Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I know it's not from adventure time but i want ya to read it

Im sorry I was so stubborn
Im sorry I was stupid n a crybaby
Im sorry but I still like you more than anyone

Our hands usually touched at twilight
Your shadow was just a bit longer than mine
I used to walk along side you
When we walked back home
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
I used to believe when I stretched out my hands
You'd stretch out your bigger hand
But I guess I can't satisfy you with this self
But without you I can't live!

I'm sorry I like you
I can only love you
So, that's why I'll sing aloud
Please understand, Your words are everything
You're my everything
I want to make you smile mine once more

I said I don't like a person like you
And we faught, but it's the truth
Even when I'm awake or dreaming
you're always there
If the white clouds are a stoplight
It can easily be crossed 
all my insides are backwards

The water spilled already
You can't cry over spilled water
But whose tears are these?
Hey, why are you apologizing?
Why are you crying?
Why aren't you saying 'Let's start again'?
What do you mean by "you're a burden"?
Is my love no enough?
Please don't abandon me...
Please don't leave..

Yes, I knew from the start that you didn't like me
I know that!
But I still like you!
I'm sorry I'm so stubborn 
I'm sorry I was stupid n a crybaby
Im sorry but I still like you more than anyone
Forgive me!

Please be by my side
You don't have to like me now
someday I will make you turn back..

By Gumi 

Friday, March 15, 2013


Pen, Natasha and Adam are AMAZING artists, yet NONE of them made a special poster for tonight’s episode. Can you believe that? Well, this episode deserves SOMETHING so here’s my last-minute attempt. PLEASE WATCH! 

i didn’t know i was credited until… this morning… and i’m still sleepy

flame prince and fiona

awww fuck yessssss! i drew this awhile ago, so i don’t remember why i gave cake poopoo eyebrows, but i THINK this shirt will be available at comic con this year… i drew it because i wanted everyone to have a beautiful sailor bow shirt……………. mighty fine printed them up…. i think it’s really really neat of them… see you at comic con… like this friday i guess
EDIT: i guess you can buy this shirt from hot topic already (…for 26 dollars?)
cosplay questions about thisleosboots:

I love the art and the style and the costumes of this picture but I really resent the way the female characters are posed as opposed to the male characters.  Fiona, PB and Marceline are all posed in ways to show off the arch in their backs, their hips and breasts (and Marceline’s thigh), and the Fire Prince is just sitting in profile while the Princess is facing the viewer with more demure expression turned to the viewer.  In fact, the expression on all of their faces are a bit gender segregated too.  Finn is facing the side and Fiona is facing the viewer, Prince Bubblegum and Marshal Lee are facing each other and it looks like they’re talking whereas Princess Fiona and Marecline aren’t even looking at each other (well, their breasts are) and it appears Princess Bublegum is even blushing for some reason?
This is really sad.  The art is so amazing but it’s just really hard to appreciate it.

I usually don’t reblog stuff like this, but I really want to point out some shit. I’m not the best at typing my thoughts… so i’m gonna number off some things i guess… instead… I really don’t want anyone to resent this picture, i feel like maybe if i explain some stuff… you’ll resent it less? maybe? you don’t have to appreciate the drawing, but maybe you’ll find different reasons to resent it… other than the ones you listed…
1. a few of the dudes are ALSO arching their backs. one of the girls is not. the reason i kinda posed the girls like this was to attach visible bows to them, so i could put the ribbon trails everywhere. I could have probably posed the dudes in the same exact way, but that would make me feel lazy, and the drawing would be maybe kinda boring.
2. they’re not “showing off their breasts”. they just… kinda have them. i don’t know, should i have posed them like… back view or something?
3. I drew marceline’s leg because i wanted to show that her tights were the same ones from the henchman episode. also wanted to put more red in the composition with the boots.
4. your profile verses 3/4 face statement… i wanted fionna and cake to be looking at each other, i wanted finn to be looking away while jake was sneaking treats from gumball… I don’t really understand the problem with this… i’m probably just an idiot. I always feel a more “demure” look is when someone is facing away from the viewer, but who knows.
5. Gumball and Marshall Lee are interacting because gumball engineered up some red fruits (red lemons, red peaches, red bananas) for him to eat.
6. pb and marceline aren’t looking at each other because marceline is looking at fire princess who is looking at marcy’s ghost buds (who are blocking marceline from the firelight… but i guess that doesn’t make sense… can ghostly figures block out light? shit… shit!)
7. PB is blushing because whatever is in her beaker is emitting gas and that’s just kinda embarrassing
8. huh…. i guess their boobs are kinda pointing at each other… i didn’t notice that. you’ve got a dirty, dirty mind ;V
I don’t hate ladies. I mean, I AM a lady. kinda. I’m like… haha i’m eating pizza and typing and getting pizza sauce all over my keyboard… maybe i’m not even human


What’s Boom! Planning for Gender-Swapped ‘Adventure Time’ Stars Fionna and Cake?
It’s some sort of mystery, apparently.
Artwork by Becky Dreistadt & Frank Gibson.
Boom is gonna make a Fionna and Cake 6 issue mini comic run. I’m really grateful that they’re giving me the opportunity to try to create a story for them….
Fionna’s gonna be getting a new sword! And Cake’s eyes are going back to blue!
eternal fionna


reblogging this again because I now cosplay from it..


my roommate amanda colored this cover!
tomorrow (i think!) the fionna and cake boom comic will be at some comic stores. i really hope you take a look at it and like it. and if you don’t like it, i’m really sorry i messed up. but i’m really excited for you to see britt wilson’s beautiful lettering, if anything!
oh yeah, also happy new year!!
°( ◕ ω ◕ )°
For the super amazing Natazilla.
Batman or is it......
I saw this in google+ by some one and it made me laugh